Then there’s a handful of gamers who are constantly engrossed in hitting up their keys every now and then. Among the plethora of options available at the fingertips, there are some games that the vast majority plays, wants to play or have at least about heard them and wishes to get their hands on the same. These include PUBG, Fortnite, Counter-Strike and DOTA 2. So for this third group of people, it isn’t the monetary factor that’s stopping them from trying out these games. The issue arises with the efforts in downloading these heavy games and the high-end specifications that these games end up asking for.

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Let’s admit. There is a considerable chunk of the population that doesn’t have high-end gaming laptops or PC. The other group of peoples might not be having a super-fast internet connection to rack up these games. So what else could they do after all? Well, it turns out there’s a pretty nifty escape route, and we are going to mention just that. So fasten up your seatbelts and get ready for a roller-coaster ride. Let’s begin!

How to Play PUBG, Fortnite, Counter-Strike and DOTA 2 Without Downloading Them

As is evident from the article’s heading, the games in contention are PUBG, Fortnite Counter-Strike (all versions) and DOTA 2. Well, these games are probably the best in their domains, without a shadow of a doubt. We won’t be writing a comprehensive post about them since you all must already be aware of them. If not, Wikipedia is your best friend forward. What we will be discussing today are the steps through which you could play all these games, even without downloading them onto your PCs. Let’s check out how the same is possible.

Instructions to follow

You will be able to try out all the above games (PUBG, Fortnite Counter-Strike (all versions) and DOTA 2) with the help of Cloud Servers technology. WIthout hopping much into the technical jargons, it means the service provider has stored all these games in their cloud servers. All you have to do is just get access to this server and start playing them, without downloading even a KB of file. All these games could very easily be played at 60 FPS. Impressive right?

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So the next question that might be bugging you is what’s in store for the so-called service providers? Well, the thing is all these games come at a cost and they have officially purchased them, along with the server space to upload them. Joining these dots, you might have got an idea or two where I am about to take you. Yes, you will have to shell out some bucks, in order to try it out. The amount depends on how many games you wish to try and for how many hours. Without much ado, here’s the complete package, along with the game time availability.

Pricing Strategy

Half Day of Gaming: This includes continuous four hours of gameplay time. The games included in this package includes PUBG, DOTA 2 and Counter-Strike. This pack costs Rs 145.Weekly Gaming: This includes the games PUBG, Fortnite, DOTA 2 and Counter-Strike. All in all, you get 84 hours of gameplay time. The cost for the same is Rs 2999.Monthly Gaming: Including all the four games, i.e. PUBG, Fortnite, DOTA 2 and Counter-Strike, you get a whopping 365 hours of gameplay, but at a cost. It requires to spend Rs 12500.

So if you wish to purchase any of these, head over to GPUonCloud and proceed with your spending. If you were to take our opinion, we will recommend you all to go ahead with the Weekly Gaming Plan. If it suffices your needs and you re satisfied with their services, then only make a higher purchase. This was all from this guide regarding how to play PUBG, Fortnite, DOTA 2 and Counter-Strike without downloading them. Stay Safe and enjoy these games! Note: We are in no way associated with this service and we have no say in purchasing activities made on that site.

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